GOTHICAE COGITATIONES è un progetto di Monica Casu e Gianfranco Setzu.
Racconta i pensieri gotici derivanti dallo stato d’animo di inadeguatezza e inquietudine che aleggia nel nostro tempo, richiamando l’oscurantismo e la libertà negata del Medioevo. Proprio il medioevo nella sua declinazione gotica ha influenzato i nostri motivi grafici, semplici e diretti, che con sarcasmo e ironia evocano l’idea più o meno esplicita della caducità della vita.
Il progetto si concretizza nella produzione del Washi Tape, il nastro adesivo di carta giapponese, da utilizzare per decorare suppellettili, mobili e pareti: con il semplice gesto di apporre un segno nuovo a degli oggetti già esistenti, palesa la volontà rigenerare il senso di ciò che abbiamo intorno, mentre ci facciamo delle domande sul nostro presente. Gli oggetti veicolano così una narrazione altra e un motivo culturale redivivo.
MALUM PER DIEM -Una Mela al Giorno- (Monica Casu)
Se apparentemente evoca la semplicità del quotidiano vivere, gioca in sostanza con la simbologia ambigua e molteplice della MELA e della sua traduzione latina. Simbolo di vita eterna, fecondità, ebbrezza, peccato, e simulacro di perfezione intriso di veleno assassino per Biancaneve. Un invito a consumare la propria mela quotidiana, integra o bacata, una dopo l’altra, ingoiare e andare avanti, come metafora della vita.
CHOREA MACHABAEORUM -Danza Macabra- (Gianfranco Setzu)
Ci riporta al classico tema medievale in cui i viventi danzavano con i morti. In questo caso i morti danzano con i morti, in una sorta di simbolico, quanto sarcastico apocalisse che dileggia e quasi si compiace delle disgrazie terrene. Un tema potente in un oggetto semplice, che si presta ironicamente a molteplici livelli di lettura.
I temi della CHOREA MACHABAEORUM e MALUM PER DIEM circoleranno per Milano durante il Fuorisalone 2019.
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ENG: GOTHICAE COGITATIONES is a project by Gianfranco Setzu and Monica Casu. It describes the gothic thoughts deriving from the state of mind of inadequacy and restlessness that lingers in our time, recalling the obscurantism and the denied freedom of the Middle Ages. It is precisely the Middle Ages in its Gothic declination that influenced our simple and direct graphic motifs, which with sarcasm and irony evoke the more or less explicit idea of the transience of life. The project takes its shape in the production of Washi Tape, the Japanese adhesive paper, which can be used to decorate furnishings, furniture and walls: with the simple gesture of affixing a new sign to existing objects, it reveals the will to regenerate the sense of what we have around us while we ask ourselves questions about the present. The objects thus convey a different narrative and a reviving cultural motif.
The CHOREA MACHABAEORUM - Dance of Death-, takes us back to the classic medieval theme where the living people danced with the dead ones. In this case the dead dance with the dead, in a sort of symbolic, but sarcastic apocalypse that mocks and almost welcomes the earthly misfortunes. A powerful theme in a simple object, which lends itself ironically to multiple levels of reading.
MALUM PER DIEM - An Apple a Day - if it apparently evokes the simplicity of everyday life, it essentially plays with the ambiguous and multiple symbology of the APPLE and its Latin translation. Symbol of eternal life, fruitfulness, inebriation, sin, and simulacrum of perfection infused with murdering poison for Snow White. An invitation to consume one's daily apple, whole or buggy, one after the other, swallow and go on, as a metaphor of life.
The subjects of CHOREA MACHABAEORUM and MALUM PER DIEM will circulate for Milan during the Fuorisalone 2019.
ENG: GOTHICAE COGITATIONES is a project by Gianfranco Setzu and Monica Casu. It describes the gothic thoughts deriving from the state of mind of inadequacy and restlessness that lingers in our time, recalling the obscurantism and the denied freedom of the Middle Ages. It is precisely the Middle Ages in its Gothic declination that influenced our simple and direct graphic motifs, which with sarcasm and irony evoke the more or less explicit idea of the transience of life. The project takes its shape in the production of Washi Tape, the Japanese adhesive paper, which can be used to decorate furnishings, furniture and walls: with the simple gesture of affixing a new sign to existing objects, it reveals the will to regenerate the sense of what we have around us while we ask ourselves questions about the present. The objects thus convey a different narrative and a reviving cultural motif.
The CHOREA MACHABAEORUM - Dance of Death-, takes us back to the classic medieval theme where the living people danced with the dead ones. In this case the dead dance with the dead, in a sort of symbolic, but sarcastic apocalypse that mocks and almost welcomes the earthly misfortunes. A powerful theme in a simple object, which lends itself ironically to multiple levels of reading.
MALUM PER DIEM - An Apple a Day - if it apparently evokes the simplicity of everyday life, it essentially plays with the ambiguous and multiple symbology of the APPLE and its Latin translation. Symbol of eternal life, fruitfulness, inebriation, sin, and simulacrum of perfection infused with murdering poison for Snow White. An invitation to consume one's daily apple, whole or buggy, one after the other, swallow and go on, as a metaphor of life.
The subjects of CHOREA MACHABAEORUM and MALUM PER DIEM will circulate for Milan during the Fuorisalone 2019.